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Frequently Asked Questions and Tips for Your Application Entry


When is the entry deadline?
You can save $100 by submitting your entry before May 21. If you can't make the May 21 deadline, submit your entry by June 18.

Is there a discount for submitting multiple entries?
Yes, enter three or more entries and save 10% off your total order.  

How do I apply?
Click here for complete "how to enter" instructions.

Worried about non-disclosure agreements?  
If you have an application that you would like to enter, but are worried that a non-disclosure agreement with a customer will prevent you from doing so, feel free to refer to the parties involved in general terms.

Will the judges or Broadband Technology Report sign non-disclosure agreements?


Are only new products reviewed?

Products introduced after October 1, 2020 are eligible for submission, however  products that have received a major upgrade since that time can be evaluated as well. When entering a product for consideration based on a recent upgrade, that upgrade should be emphasized in your entry materials.

Do you have a question about whether your product or application would be a worthy entrant, or where it might fit?
Reach out on questions like these and any other by contacting Broadband Technology Report Editorial Director Stephen Hardy at shardy@endeavorb2b.com.

What is the entry cost?

  • Early-Bird Submission Rate (enter by May 21): $795

  • Final Submission Rate: $895

What additional details could I submit with my entry?  

  • A spec sheet that details the parameters the product or service is designed to meet entry’s features.

  • A brief technological description of how the product works.

  • A photo or photos.

Please Note: No more than 5 extra pages of documentation, including spec sheets, are allowed. Pictures, diagrams and/or charts do not count toward your 5 pages.

Optional Items to Consider:

  • Testimonials by users

  • A simple brief that summarizes the features of the entry, and how it differentiates itself from the competition

  • Photos and diagrams, particularly block diagrams or flow charts that help describe how the product or service works.

What information is requested on the electronic submission form?

  • Contact details of the person submitting the form

  • Company name and product/application name of the entry

  • You will also be asked to describe the following:

    • How your product/service/software helps broadband cable engineers reduce operational expenses and/or develop new revenue sources

    • The unique features of this product as it compares to competing solutions

I keep hitting SAVE but my entry is not saving?
Review your entry and confirm any required field is filled in or checked -- required fields with no data will be highlighted in red after you hit SAVE.

I did NOT receive a confirmation email after submitting my entry.

  • Confirm you entered an accurate email address

  • Ask your IT department to whitelist the following IP address:

  • Send an email to btrdr@endeavorb2b.com

I have other questions/problems.